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Pure Barre (Part 2)

"There's nothing easy about this."

That's one of the comments we'll hear from Carmel while we're holding one leg up and out to the side, lifting it a little higher to the beat of lively music, while the side seat and hip muscles that are doing the work beg for release.

Carmel is the owner of the Pure Barre Silver Spring studio and one of its teachers, who, in between their precise instructions, insert comments that both encourage us and push us to "get the most out of" this 60-second exercise that feels like forever.

It's working to Move and strengthen my body, but it's also Play. Each month the studio has new challenges, special classes, community service promotions, and a monthly Win(e)d Down Thursday. May is Bingo month, and alongside the squares you fill in by taking certain classes, there are squares for showing up dressed for a theme day, such as "diva" day (featuring a playlist of divas like Beyoncé) and squares for making a new friend in class and other fun things.

The exercise movements are small and tight because "the smaller the movement, the greater the result." Instead of heaving my torso up off the floor for a sit-up, like I did in my junior high gym classes, I'm seated with legs outstretched and my back diagonal to the floor while I contract my abs to lower my back one inch closer to the floor. I've learned the difference between muscle control and momentum. It's much easier to roll up by exerting a bit of muscle and letting the momentum carry me the rest of the way.

The teacher models each exercise to start, then walks around the room checking our form, making gentle corrections, and continuing the encouragement: "You're stronger than you think. Your mind gives up before your body does." Modifications are always available; the goal is to work to your edge, which is different for each person and each day. Some days my left knee will allow certain thigh exercises, other days not. "You are in charge," we're reminded.

Progress is celebrated, the unit of accomplishment being a class completed. You get your first recognition at your 100th class, for the next one you have to accumulate 250, then 500, and so on. Recently I got to celebrate a friend at her 1,000th class – the first at our studio to reach that milestone. She had taken the Grand Opening class four years before, and never stopped.

I joined the studio in October 2021, when I was running every day and feeling discouraged about it. Over the next several months I shifted most of my exercise time to Pure Barre plus walking, which made me happier as well as stronger, with greater flexibility, balance, and energy.

It's never easy, and many days I stand at the start of a class feeling like I'd really rather not. But when we get to the final stretching (pure delight) I feel energetic and grateful.

"Breathe through this exercise," says the teacher. "It's not meant to be easy,. it's meant to make you stronger."

Hey, If you're local and curious, contact me! I get to fill in a Bingo square for bringing a friend to their first class – and your first class is free!


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